Conference Video: Performance Analysis of Map Reduce and Aggregate Pipeline in MongoDB

This is Malvika Singh’s presentation from the WiDS Puget Sound Conference 2021. Enjoy!


"Is it going to rain today?" I asked. "Yes" answered the home device within seconds! As I sit watching the rain outside, I wonder how did it answer so quickly? What if I asked nested query? My work evaluates performance metric: Execution Time of nested queries for 2 popular techniques in Big Data's world


Malvika is a Software Development Engineer at Amazon Web Services where she works on building high-performance architecture to host & deploy images for container applications. She works with Amazon Elastic Container Registry that integrates data engineering to build pipelines to simplify production workflows. Before joining AWS, Malvika obtained her Master’s in Data Analytics from Carnegie Mellon University, specializing in applying ML & data engineering techniques in public policy. She did her bachelor’s in Computer Engineering & is passionate about supporting women in CS.

Olivia Moreno